European day of languages

September, 26 is the European Day of Languages. On this day our students participated in the contest ´What do you know about the English-speaking
countries?´ Students competed in teams of up to 3 members and had to deal with questions from various areas – history, geography, culture, nature, etc.
We would like to thank to all the participants.
Congratulations to the winners!

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The Optimal Strategy for Essay Assistance Via the internet British isles

All through the training course in legal requirements, it’s looked at that trainees have a major issue with the preparation and project. Essays is one sort of assignment that every almost scholar in just about any concentration has, at just about any level. Thanks to the ones cases, they are able to learn the strategy of posting a good quality assignment. It will be possible to obtain a plagiarism claim through your cardstock to critique the final results personally. When you’re completed your nursing project develop proofreading and croping and editing to be sure the mistakes are usually eradicated as well as quality on the pieces of paper that you just developed might be most suitable. If you desire to experience an specific paper without having to pay an incredible sum of cash, Tailor-made-Essays-On the web. Allocation of nurses generally needs a matter investigation that talks about the facts for the event of an particular persistent. In order that you sensed blissful that you’re very likely to locate other assignment free of charge. Posting a nursing assignment has never been straight forward for the person who would like to see theirselves as excellent healthcare professionals down the line. Continue reading

Powerful Procedures for Small business Essay Creating Assistance You Can Begin to Use At present

A hour or so essay time frame may very well be a real subject, when you aren’t suitable in creating and showing your ideas for a theme you aren’t definitely thinking about. At the moment a nights essay was become a important area of instructive product in class, colleges and universities. It’s not easy to reckon that must you decide to order a enterprise essay you could very well get almost anything aside from a mundane, fairly usual chunk that’s really not much way too impressive. It’s not necessary to emotional stress if you’re right here. Simply select the area shrewdly Be sure that you decide on the field shrewdly as picking or picking out the completely wrong question makes it possible to in discarding markings inside the situation you are unable to address the subject beautifully. Before starting with creating an order for essay crafting, find out more about the recommendations so you be in the position to gain from making use of the most effective particular selection. You can have significantly more highly targeted people to your website that is in all probability to to create into self-an adequate amount of. Suitable examples also serve as an amazing complement towards the disagreements. Continue reading

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The Attraction of Essay Mla Structure

What the In-Crowd Won’t Tell You About Essay Mla Format

It’s possible to readily find an accessibility to libraries having handbooks connected to MLA referencing. All these citations are observed directly after the information which has been made and therefore are incredibly brief as a way to prevent becoming distracted whilst reading an undertaking. These recommendations Continue reading

Projektová súťaž

Dňa 24.5.2018 si výhercovia triednych kôl prvého a druhého ročníka otestovali svoje
prezentačné schopnosti aj v školskom kole projektovej súťaže v anglickom jazyku.Vo
svojich projektoch prezentovali významné osobnosti britskej kultúry, ktoré ich svojím
životom oslovujú a motivujú. Všetky projekty boli obsahovo zaujímavé a inšpiratívne, ako
pre študentov, tak aj pre komisiu.  Výsledné poradie, zostavené na základe hodnotenia
členov predmetovej komisie aj všetkých zúčastnených súťažiacich, je nasledovné:
1. miesto Alex Lenardová 2AB
2. miesto Nina Bálintová 2NB
3. miesto Viktória Párkanyiová 2AB
Výhercom srdečne blahoželáme a všetkým zúčastneným ďakujeme za prezentácie.

Kreatívne písanie v anglickom jazyku

V mesiaci marec na našej škole prebiehala nová súťaž kreatívneho písania v anglickom jazyku. V priebehu mesiaca mali študenti možnosť napísať a odovzdať ľubovoľný básnický alebo prozaický text na tému „I see what others can´t“. Keďže šlo o počiatočný nultý ročník, udelili sme len prvé miesto, ktoré získala Veronika Kozubová z I.AB triedy, ktorá prispela do súťaže hneď dvoma poviedkami. Študenti všetkých prác preukázali veľkú dávku kreativity a schopnosť umeleckého vyjadrenia v anglickom jazyku, ktorý nie je ich rodným jazykom, čo značne sťažovalo zadanie. Víťazke srdečne blahoželáme a všetkým súťažiacim ďakujeme za účasť.

Deň svätého Patrika

Keďže 17. marca sa v anglofónnych krajinách oslavuje deň svätého Patrika, aj my sme sa chceli pridať k oslavám. Študenti oblečení v zelenom sa mohli zapojiť do súťaže a mohli tak vyplniť kvíz o svätom Patrikovi, za čo mohli vyhrať sladké zelené odmeny.

Chceli by sme sa poďakovať všetkým žiakom a učiteľom, ktorí sa včera zapojili do mini kvízu pri príležitosti dňa svätého Patrika. Výhercami súťaže sa stali Daniel Majerský,  Ivo Liba a Bianka Palenčíková z 2. AB  a Lukáš Dura z 2.A.

Víťazom gratulujeme a dúfame, že im sladká zelená odmena chutila. Teším sa na vás na budúci rok.